**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** **Agape Animal Rescue and Training Center Awarded $8,000 Grant by The Community…

Introducing our newest corporate sponsor, Zach Taylor Real Estate!
We are happy to announce our newest corporate sponsor, Zach Taylor Real Estate! Not only have they provided much-needed volunteers for events, they have pledged a monthly donation to help our mission.
We asked Taylor Griest, Operations Manager, to tell us why volunteering is so important to her and her husband, Zach. Taylor said, “We both grew up in Middle TN and we truly believe in building up our community. Every quarter, Zach Taylor Real Estate holds different volunteer opportunities throughout Middle TN ranging from local park clean up, Meals On Wheels, sponsoring a clothing drive for a local foster nonprofit, and volunteering with Agape!”
Taylor stated, “Our passion for supporting local animal shelters and foster programs stems from us having 3 rescues ourselves, 1 dog (Rudy) and 2 cats (Cotton & Nugget). We believe in everything Agape stands for and we want to help in every way possible!”
Taylor shares a favorite story about their dog, Rudy: “A few weeks after adopting Rudy, we decided to take him to the dog park for the first time. He enjoyed interacting with the other dogs until he saw a butterfly for the first time. He started howling and chasing the butterfly shadow (yes, that is correct! He chased the shadow and not the actual butterfly) all over the dog park. He chased the butterfly shadow for a good 15 minutes howling and having the time of his life! Everyone there thought it was the funniest sight.”
We are thrilled that Zach, Taylor and their team are committed to making a difference in dogs’ lives with Agape Animal Rescue and Training Center. Interested in being a corporate sponsor? Simply follow this link!