**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** **Agape Animal Rescue and Training Center Awarded $8,000 Grant by The Community…

Hurricane Ian Rescue Operation
Nashville, Tenn. (October 6. 2022)—Agape Animal Rescue is en route to Orlando, Florida to help clear local shelters to make room for dogs displaced by Hurricane Ian. In partnership with Best Friend Animal Society’s disaster response team, Agape is relocating 15 of the 300 adoptable dogs t Nashville, many of whom are medically fragile with heartworms and other serious ailments Agape is seeking additional foster families and donations, urgently. Deployment and the dogs medical care are expected to cost more than $10,000. A GoFundMe has been set up to assist with this effort.
The foster-based animal rescue serves the Middle Tennessee region but made a commitment to help other states in crisis after witnessing the support the Nashville area received following the catastrophic flood in 2010.
“I was watching the devastation of hurricane Ian unfold on the news when we got the call for help. I knew the Agape team had to hit the road to assist families and pets during this crisis. We know what it feels like to need help,” said Tanya Willis, Agape’s executive director.
“Clearing shelters that were overpopulated before the storm even hit gives displaced dogs and their families a chance to reunite.” We hope Nashville will rally around these families and support this mission.”