**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** **Agape Animal Rescue and Training Center Awarded $8,000 Grant by The Community…

$15,000 Grant Awarded by Pedigree Foundation
Agape Animal Rescue and Training Center’s Community Canine Coaching Program was recently recognized by the Pedigree Foundation and awarded a grant of $15,000.
The Community Canine Coaching Program (CCC) is a vital part of Agape’s focus to combat increased owner surrenders and support intake prevention in Middle Tennessee while increasing the adoptability and quality of life of foster dogs awaiting adoption. This is accomplished through accessible training for people and pets in our immediate community and beyond.
Domino and his family experienced the transformative benefits of the CCC program while staying with our training partner, Pawster. Domino was supported by Pawster’s crisis foster program, as an alternative to entering the shelter system, after her owner was incarcerated. This sweet pup was placed in the temporary care of a loving foster family, with the hope she’d be reunited with her original owner once he got back on his feet. Dominoes began to show symptoms of anxiety and aggressive fear of everyday items such as the vacuum cleaner, bikes, other dogs, and even the blender. When it was determined that Domino’s owner would not be in a position to take her back, her foster family decided to adopt her. But first, they needed to address her reactivity! Through crate training and positive association methods, our trainer, Kym, was able to safely work with Domino to help her overcome her fears. She is now happy, healthy, and enjoying life with her adoptive family. Domino is one of many dogs who have felt the positive effects of the Community Canine Coaching Program! THANK YOU to Pedigree Foundation and everyone who has joined the Agape team in supporting the Community Canine Coaching Program. We look forward to continuing to change the lives of both dogs and humans in our community!