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Photographer Lauren Huckleberry Offers Love-Themed Photo Shoot
Getting rescue dogs adopted is a labor of love! Behind the scenes of every happy dog adoption is a team of dedicated people giving their time and talents … working collaboratively to help our pups find their forever homes. At Agape Animal Rescue and Training Center, our volunteers make a huge difference for the dogs in our program, and we are truly grateful for their contributions. A volunteer we’d like to recognize is Lauren Huckleberry of Huckleberry Photography, who recently offered to do a love-themed photo shoot for our adoptable dogs. It was a great time for everyone, and the photos were fantastic!
Let’s get to know Lauren a little better.
Q: Lauren, what got you interested in photography?
“Not to sound too cliche, but my love of photography first started when I was little (see my childhood pic … also I still look low key like that while taking pictures). Sure it was a toy camera, but soon I graduated to a fully functional disposable camera!! One of my first memories of my first ever photo shoot was right after my cat had a litter of kittens … I tried grouping them all together. Herding cats is a tough gig! The photos turned out just as chaotic as the shoot itself. Later I became super active in my high school yearbook and newspaper, taking lots of photos for them – but I did it out of joy, not thinking of it as a profession. It wasn’t until I was already in college, working my way towards a math and science degree, that my uncle (who worked at American Greetings) persuaded me to switch my career path. I graduated with my BFA and started working full time as a photographer ever since.”
Q: How did you get the idea to photograph the Agape dogs for a love-themed photo shoot?
“The idea for this shoot came from my daughter … well it was inspired by her. She got up the courage to ask her crush to be her Valentine … and he shot her down, in front of me! Poor thing was heartbroken and utterly embarrassed. It got me thinking about the holiday (and how I think it’s utterly ridiculous) and who would make the best Valentine. It’s no secret that I decided animals make the best Valentine! But what about those people who don’t have a dog, and what about those sweet babies who don’t have a home yet? So I started reaching out to different shelters and to see who might be interested in doing something like this.”
Q: Do you have any specific subjects you like to photograph?
“What I love most is portraits! Portraits of all kinds … head shots, high school seniors, adorable pups and everything in between. I love getting to know my clients and everything that makes them truly unique. And I love being able to bring that out in my photographs.”
Q: We have to ask, do you have any pets?
“I did have a dog, a boxer. His name was Tyson, but we affectionately called him Turkey! He was my best big boy and we all loved him very dearly. Turkey was sick for a while, and two years ago his poor body just couldn’t do it anymore. He loved snuggles, kisses, playing ‘keepie-uppie’ with balloons, short walks through the park, sharing hard boiled eggs, and would do his darndest to steal your seat on the couch. Turkey was the best dog ever, and will be my one and only boxer dog! We currently have a very big family – 5 kiddos, al of whom are very eager to have another dog! But we are hoping we can hold out a little while longer, which I don’t see happening the more I continue to go to these kinds of events!”
Agape Animal Rescue and Training Center would like to thank Lauren for volunteering her time and amazing photography skills which have helped the Agape pups find their forever homes! You can check out her latest work and contact info here, and find her on instagram @hcklbry_photos