**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** **Agape Animal Rescue and Training Center Awarded $8,000 Grant by The Community…

Agape Animal Rescue Flood Relief Response
Agape Animal Rescue is here to connect and serve following the devastating floods in Humphreys, Dickson, and Hickman Counties. We are wishing peace and love to all of our fellow Tennesseans during this trying time. We are immediately turning our attention to the communities in need and through collaborative efforts, we are supporting as many families and pets in need as possible.
Family Preservation: Agape is providing assistance to families and pets affected through the provision of critical supplies (pet food, medications, crates, collars, leashes, beds, etc), and has already dropped off one load of critical supplies for pet-owning families to McEwen High School. We are returning with more both today and tomorrow — if you or any loved ones are in need of specific supplies (such as food or medication), please call us on (615) 406-7799 or email [email protected] This effort helps keeps families and pets together while they are displaced.
Shelter Support and Transfer: Agape is partnering with Waverly Animal Control and Humphreys County Animal Control to provide placement support for dogs who are currently in the care of the shelter to move them into foster homes while they clear the facility and pause intake. This effort will ensure that pups in the shelter get to a safe environment, and allow the shelters to focus on assisting animals in the area that are displaced by the floods when they are able to resume operations.
How You Can Help
DONATE TIME: Sign up to volunteer at the Humphreys County Animal Control: [email protected].
DONATE MONEY: Support the Humphrey’s Country Human Society Emergency Relief Fundraiser. Support Agape by replenishing our stock of supplies that we have used to support flood victims in our community.
DONATE RESOURCES: Purchase items on Agape’s Amazon or Chewy Wishlists, and we will ensure it gets to our friends in need. The items most needed are puppy food, flea preventatives and, crates. If you have gently used items you’d like to donate, please [email protected] to coordinate a drop-off.
FOSTER: We will have pups incoming that will need loving foster homes. Specifically, we will have a need for fosters willing and able to take in pitbulls! If that’s you, let us know.
SHARE INFORMATION: Cell service and internet is spotty in affected areas, but if you’re able to share, let folks in need know where they can access safe shelters, they are located at:
- Waverly Church of Christ, 438 West Main St., Waverly, TN
- YMCA of Dickson County, 225 Henslee Dr, Dickson TN 37055
- First Baptist Church, 300 E. Main St. Waverly TN 37185
- Fairfield Church of Christ, 1860 TN-100, Centerville, TN 37033